Monday, November 5, 2007

Jay's Halloween

Well, here are the long awaited Halloween pictures. Although Jay's firetruck costume is adorable, I'm kind of embarassed that I bought it at the store. Growing up I can't think of a single time when I wore a costume bought straight from the store. My mom always put something fabulous together so our costumes were always completely unique. Sadly, I took the easy way out and bought him this firetruck costume and hoped that no one at the law school Haloween party had the same costume. The cutest part was when you asked Jay what his costume was he would say "weeee ooooo weee ooooo", his favorite siren sound for all fire and police vehicles (and blinking pedestrian lights on the road). We had lots of trouble getting a good side view of the truck, but here's what we got:

Stay tuned for a post with me and Chad's costumes and other fun Halloween pictures!


beckie said...

So CUTE!!!

wee o wee o. He made that sound a lot when we were babysitting.

Anonymous said...

That is a great costume!

And the only reason why I was able to make costumes was because they were not for my kids... I am sure I will be buying costume for my offspring. :)