Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Worthen Life Update

Life at the Worthen house is beginning to get back to normal. Although lately being sick and lazy has become the norm and the lazy needy habits we all developed while being sick are hard to break.

Jay's health has improved considerably. The screaming fits have come back down to the normal Jay frequency and he is much more pleasant to be around. Due to our paranoia, however, we've opted to keep Jay out of nursery at church for the next few weeks. His immune system isn't so great right now and I can't bear to see him get sick again. This makes for a long 3 hours at church, but on Sunday we were well equiped with our Mary Poppins bag of tricks and managed to survive all 3 hours with Jay by our side. (This is an amazing feat seeing as we rarely made it through all 3 hours during the 1st 18 months of his life)

On Friday, I had a fabulous girls night and sleepover with some of my bestest friends. It was a much needed break and I came home refreshed enough to have a little bit more patience with Jay. I love hanging out with these girls and I'm sad to leave them in just 4 short weeks. I have still managed to avoid catching the flu. A miracle of miracles.

Chad is dilligently working on his massive paper due before graduation. We're all hoping and praying he finishes as the graduation announcements have already been ordered.

All of us are overly anxious and nervous for our big move on May 1st. We've been eager to move on with our lives after BYU ever since I can remember. Reality is hitting, and we're starting to realize that we may miss this place as we enter into the unknown. Well, maybe we'll miss the people in this place more than the place itself. We've nervous about finding new friends and new lives that we enjoy as much as we currently enjoy. Time will tell, but we're starting to get sentimental and sappy and that makes me feel a little more unstable than I like.


Jacob and Whitney Lauritzen said...

I know what you mean. We don't really have any friends here, so we miss our friends and our lives out there...even our cinder block walls from Wymount. But we are so excited to be near you guys again :)

Laurel said...

Hope to see you guys when you come through- that would be awesome! :) You guys will do great on the new adventures of moving,etc..sometimes it is nice to have a new start as well...thats what Jeremy and I felt like when we moved from ID to everything was kinda fun...but definitely scary! Thoughts with you!