Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Four Fabulous Years

Four years ago today, our family began. Basically, we were made for each other. In case you're not convinced, I'll give you one example:

Chad typically peels the pasta layers off his lasagna preferring to enjoy the pasta without all of the sauce and cheese.

I, an avid pasta hater, typically wait for everyone else to get their serving of lasagna before helping myself to all the goop and cheese left in the bottom of the pan.

Therefore, between the two of us, perfect lasagna consumption occurs. What's more perfect than that? It's probably a good thing we didn't eat lasagna on our first date. We may have discovered we were soul mates right away and rushed into things.

Sorry girls, but I'm incredibly grateful to have the world's greatest husband. Don't argue with me on this one, did your husband do all the dishes, laundry, and child rearing during your 1st trimester while he was going to school full-time...without complaining?

Happy Anniversary Chad, maybe we should go out for lasagna tonight!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Happy Belated Anniversary!! Hope you guys enjoyed graduation and congrats to Chad!