Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Scoop

Many of you may have made observations given my current physical state. You may wonder if I've given up running, or perhaps just made a habit of eating junk and sitting around. All of the above is actually true, but in addition, I've been tired and barfy and working on creating a small being in my belly.

It's true. Somehow this news has been absent from the blog, but we will indeed be having another child come August. Chad and I are thrilled to announce (Jay not so much) that this baby is a girl! Jay has had his heart set on a "baby brudder" for a few days now and is thoroughly disappointed.

Alas, Chad and I have no girl names as of yet, but we're (I'm) still eager to buy pink clothes.

Some funny Jay happenings related to the upcoming sibling:

For awhile, whenever you asked Jay if he wanted a baby boy or a baby girl, he would just repeat whichever one you said last. However, a few times he got creative and declared that he wanted a "Baby Shrek". (Unfortunately, the ultrasound showed no sort of horns on the baby's head)

When proposing potential boy names to Jay, he would simply declare "No". I then asked him what boy names he liked, and he replied "Like Baby Thomas", "Like Baby James". (These names happen to be the same as his favorite trains)

Sorry there are no fun ultrasound pictures, we don't have a scanner. Just trust me that's she's freaking adorable. She even gave us a thumbs up, it was great.


Lindsey said...

Fun, fun, fun! Congratulations to you guys. I'm envious that it's a girl. Have fun buying cute clothes. I hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! I am so happy for you!

Cara said...

Okay so Grandma told me that you were pregnant and i wanted to say something earlier but wasn't sure if you were keepin it a secret. SO CONGRATS! We are excited for you guys. And if she is any thing like Jay she will be one adorable little girl. Oh and I am jealous I want a girl. and my dad says I am having all boys. We will see. :)

michelle said...

CONGRATULATIONS! One of each, nicely done. Although next time I think you should try for a Shrek baby. You guys are hilarious. And yes, we strawberry rhubarb fans should get together...there are so few of us. I'm thrilled for you, congratulations.

Melanee said...

How exciting! Yes, girls can be fun when they want to be. Hope you're not as sick as you were with Jay. Congratulations!

Hannah + 4 said...

Congrats! I hadn't heard you were! Which is a miracle bc we live next door to grandma and grandpa baker and we usually hear all the news pretty fast! We are excited for you! Girls are so fun!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Congrats on the girl! It is amazing how different boys and girls are, good luck with the drama!! =)